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  • العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية
  • mardi 26 avril 2011

    Step-by-step affiliate marketing beginner course

    Step-by-step affiliate marketing beginner course

    For years and years, I wanted to make money online but didn't really know where to start. We've always lived paycheck to paycheck, and I knew there had to be a way to change that. I tried having my own Internet “store,” where I sold actual physical products. Too much work for too little cash. I tried designing web sites for people, but I realized I was still working for someone else; plus all the hours I put in didn't translate into decent earnings. Finally I stumbled on affiliate marketing and knew it was the answer I needed.

    Once I found success with my methods, I created an affiliate marketing home study course for beginners that teaches solid, ethical, and proven techniques for making money online to people who have NO experience in online marketing or creating web sites. Even if you feel like you need Affiliate Marketing for Dummies, this course will teach you how. It's available for immediate download, so you can get right down to business with the Schoolbook lesson plan within a few minutes from now.

    Affiliate marketing most often consists of the creation of web sites around certain topics. You become an affiliate of online merchants and promote their products on your site. When someone clicks on your links, they are directed to the merchant’s site. When they make a purchase, you get the commission.

    • No handling monetary transactions
    • No inventory
    • No shipping
    • No customer service

    All you do is drive traffic to these merchants' sites. Simple concept, huh? But when you're looking for legit ways to make money from home,
    ...it’s very difficult for the affiliate marketing beginner to determine what’s legitimate and what’s not. Scammers bank on this. Literally.

    I get so tired of hearing about enthusiastic new Internet marketers getting conned out of hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars by lowlifes who prey on their inexperience. True, newbies aren't exempt from the personal responsibility to thoroughly research something before getting involved, but sometimes they just don't know what questions to ask. So the make-money-from-home scams keep snagging victim after victim, such as the "make money from Google" scam sites that are everywhere.

    In the end, legitimate Internet marketing gets a black eye, victims are hurt, and scammers are living large. There's something wrong here.

    Yes, there is a one-time charge for my course. However, it's not the charging of a fee that makes something a scam. It's the failure to deliver on one's promises.

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