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  • samedi 23 avril 2011

    Network Marketing Secrets

    Over the next 18 months, over 200,000 people joined my business.
    We did close to $300 Million dollars in sales and the stock (we were a publicly traded company) went through the roof! So I know a little bit about home businesses. Some might say I know more than anyone in the industry.
    People ask me all the time about which company they should pick. “How do I know which home-based business is right for me?” How do you make money with this type of opportunity? Let me just give you one key element that will blow out 99% of the home-based companies you might consider.
    The chances of you making money are ZERO or close to zero if the company you choose doesn’t have one key factor. You need to know if the company has a system in place to support YOU

    Without the right recipe for success, your home business is doomed.
    Let me explain this. When you join a home-based business, most people who sponsor you are just trying to sponsor hundreds of people. They sign you up, and you never hear from them again. You’re on your own. You’re the lone ranger.
    And the chance of you being successful are like next to zero. You’re completely on your own. So what you do is, you then take your wonderful product and you call up your friends, relatives and neighbors and you tell them about this wonderful product, hopefully, they’ll buy it so you can make some commission. And then you’ll say, “You should become a distributor too.” And you hope that that’s going to multiply. You know, you sign up a few people, they’ll in turn sign up a few people. They’ll in turn sell some product and sign up a few people and on and on. And you hope after a few months or a few years, you have thousands of people in your business, all buying and selling a little product and all recruiting some new people.
    The lone ranger plan doesn’t work. You need the tools to succeed!
    Back in the 80s, I met some of the top people, Dexter Yager, Bob Holgrid, the top guys in Amway and so forth. And I investigated and talked to all of the top people and found out what they did, week after week after week and what they did when they got started. I worked on this for years

    I tried to figure out what you really need to do to make money with a home-based business. I interviewed people that were in business for four, five, six, 10 years, not making any money but they were going to all the meetings. They were listening to all the tapes. They were reading all the books. They were showing the plan. They were doing this and that. Trying to sell the product, but they weren’t making any money. And I interviewed them.
    In 1996, I codified, if you will, what I believed to be the actual things you do each and every week that can generate a large company with HUGE revenue potential.
    I personally implemented it and it worked!
    It worked better than anybody had ever imagined. And I put together the system that was better than anybody else, cause I researched it from all the people, not just one guy.
    Now I haven’t done anything with home-based businesses since. I sold my interest in the company after two years, made a fortune, quite frankly, was an incredibly lucrative business and most of my friends involved, who had gotten involved in the beginning have made fortunes in residual incomes. And I put it to the side, but now, because of the economy, it's going to get worse and worse and worse over the next two years.
    I’m going to give you the recipe. You can do this!
    If you are involved with a home-based business, I know what you’re doing wrong and I can tell you exactly what to do. I’m going to give you the recipe and if I can just grab you, I know you can do this, but you just are doing the wrong thing. I know you’re doing the wrong thing. I’ve seen tens of thousands of people work hard with a home-based business and fail because they don’t know what they’re doing. They think they’re doing the right thing, but you’re doing the wrong thing. This plan that I’m going to outline, in great detail and I’ll answer all the questions you have. You will understand it and it is simple to learn. You’ll be able to do this. You follow the plan for 12 months and I can virtually guarantee you, that you’ll have the knowledge to make a minimum of $10,000 a month for the rest of your life. Provided the company you choose stays in business of course.
    So if you are looking to develop financial freedom. financial independence, the reason why I’m doing this now is because I know things that you don’t know. I know what’s happening to the U.S. dollar. I know what’s going to happen with the economy in the United States and around the world. The next few years are going to be tougher than you can imagine. The governments are propping it up. And they may succeed in keeping it propped up, but it’s on false promises and it’s being propped up on false hope. At some point, it will crash. I predict within the next 6 to 36 months, you’re going to see all hell break loose in the economy.

    The time to build your business is now.
    The good news is, today is your lucky day. I’ve assembled some of the greatest materials on building your home-based business ever created. Never before has there been such a wealth of material.
    We have limited availability on this bundle. This is a super series of 6 powerful courses designed to make you the master of home businesses. This is over 30 hours of audio guaranteed to give you the tools to propel your income into the stratosphere


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