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  • العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية
  • samedi 23 avril 2011

    How to Build Your Own Online Insurance Agency

    How to Build Your Own Online Insurance Agency

    # Generate leads and build your propect funnel so you will never run out of prospects to sell to

    # Make online sales presentations that "wow" your prospects

    # Use email "drip marketing" so YOU will capture those undecided prospects automatically when they decide to buy

    # Use affiliate programs to generate automatic monthly income (you'll learn about one affiliate program you can set up that can generate monthly income from health sales in states you aren't even licensed in without speaking to a single prospect!)

    # Double or even triple your average commission per client by using ancillary plans

    # Find easy to use state-of-the-art web based tools like video email and smart websites to separate you from your competitors and build rapport with your online prospects

    Your ebook is filled with links to essential web pages and downloadable documents you can use to increase your online sales. Also included are instructional videos and online selling techniques that will enhance your sales presentations and increase your productivity


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    الكاتب : tunisinen jihad

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