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  • samedi 30 avril 2011

    Get Unlimited Supply Of High PR Backlinks

    Get Unlimited Supply Of High PR Backlinks

     Faster Search Engine Indexing
    Search engine love most of these Article Directories due to their content rich nature. The search engine spiders visit these directories regularly and your links will be crawled almost immediately!
    Higher Search Engine Ranking
    Article Marketing helps build a solid base of incoming links to your websites. Having more relevant links pointing to your site will result in a higher search engine ranking.

    Targeted Traffic From Articles
    If your articles provide relevant information to the reader, he will click on the links you embedded in your article. Such targeted traffic will result in a higher conversion rate for your offers.
    Boost Your Business Credibility
    If you have proven yourself to be an authority in a particular niche, your readers will trust what you have to say. Your readers will follow you, subscribe to your newsletters and revisit your website.
    So, if you know how to write articles (or has a ghost writer write for you) and have some knowledge about SEO, congratulations to you! However, writing articles is just the first step to article marketing.

    Success in Article Marketing Is A Two-Step Process.

    The second step is to drive traffic to your article. To do that, you need to know:

    - How to position your article in the right niche, category, and market so that it gets noticed instantly!

    - How to find the right high-ranking article submission directories

    - How to manage your article submission efforts like a ‘pro’ so that your efforts make buying your products/services/affiliate a ‘no-brainer’

    Once you combine these powerful steps (the ability to produce amazing SEO-rich articles and how to get these amazing articles on the right site), there is no stopping you from enjoying uninterrupted traffic to your web site that converts!

    But here is the problem: What are the most effective directories to focus on? How do you submit your articles to these directories without spending too much time?

    Believe me, submitting to the top 100 directories could take days if not months.

    Now, I've got a confession to make. Article Marketing is one of the slowest web promotion strategies online!

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