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  • العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية
  • mercredi 15 juin 2011

    Ultimate Hockey Development Coaching Program

    Ultimate Hockey Development Coaching Program

    Hockey development isn’t just about off-ice training; it’s not just about skill development. A comprehensive hockey development program addresses how to:

    Prepare mentally and improve your mental toughness
    Improve your skating and puckhandling skills
    Improve your strength, speed, and conditioning through hockey-specific training
    Avoid career-threatening injuries
    Approach scouts and coaches at the next level

    My name is Kevin Neeld, and for the last 11 years I’ve been passionately pursuing and developing the best on- and off-ice hockey development strategies to help players realize and fulfill their potential. Over the last 3 months I’ve interrogated 14 of the world’s top professionals in hockey development and athletic performance. The result is over 11 hours of Coaching Calls, JAMMED with incredible hockey development information that will help propel your game to the next level!

    I’ve always had an unwavering passionate interest in helping hockey players develop, and in helping them EXCEED their highest expectations. This 12-week Coaching Program was designed to help you do exactly that. After you register, you’ll be emailed a download link every Monday for 12 weeks to a Coaching Call with myself and one of our experts (If you’re impatient, like me, and want access to all the calls immediately, I have a special offer for you. Keep reading!).


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