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  • mercredi 15 juin 2011

    Underground Gripfighting Secrets

    You will be directed to the “Underground Gripfighting Secrets Revealed” website and will be provided with the secret website and password so that you will be able to access the videos which will allow you to:

    A Complete insight to gripping sequences and gripping tactics
    How to beat physically bigger and stronger opponents
    What to do so that you can prevent being thrown
    How to train to grip so that you can grip
    Never seen before gripping drills and strategies
    The important and crucial keys to preventing your opponent from dominating your sleeve and how you can dominate their
    The intricacies of Right vs. Right
    The inside secrets of Left vs. Right
    How to mask if you are a righty or lefty and get an advantageous grip on your opponent
    What to do so that you can prevent being thrown
    Dirty little gripping secrets , tips and tricks that will absolutely confuse your opponents and frustrate your friends (they’ll never have a clue what you’re doing to them
    How beat your opponent at the “zero” before the gripping sequence even starts
    The never before taught “wrist tap” technique
    Movement patterns to initiate and thwart gripping sequences
    Live Gripfighting between Jimmy Pedro and Rhadi Ferguson
    The “change up” Jimmy Pedro developed in order to be highly competitive with the European Judo Players
    Rhadi Ferguson’s personal gripping strategies and how they fit within his “pickup” game
    New grip breaking techniques that Jimmy has never shown before (even I was surprised!)

    Here’s What’s Included:

    Video 1:

    Video footage from the 2003 Korean Open, featuring Jimmy Pedro, who was the first and only US judoka to win the competition. There are 3 videos from the competition of Pedro with an audio play by play layover from him. This is a valuable addition to the set, as you can see the information in the Underground Gripfighting Secrets in action, at a high level competition

    We HIGHLY encourage you to watch this video first. Listen to Jimmy’s instructions and thought processes and then watch it again after you’ve digested the series. The matches will not even look the same to you once you’ve been enlightened. You will see the game of Judo differently.


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