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  • mercredi 15 juin 2011

    secret to becoming a fast, strong, dominant ice hockey player

    secret to becoming a fast, strong, dominant ice hockey player

    As a hockey coach, there's nothing more valuable than time. Between work, family and juggling practice - there's no wonder we have little time to properly plan hockey practice.

    Hey, having run off-ice training programs for teams at all levels and having coached at the collegiate level, I can relate!

    So I went on a mission (a selfish one at first) to create a template that would help me organize all my future off-ice practices. There were 2 goals for doing this...

       1. Make it brain-dead simple to run training programs for this season (and future seasons)

       2. If I couldn't make practice, I could hand my "templates" over to an assistant for them to run it without missing a beat

       3. Save time! By not having to re-create the wheel each day, it saves me at least 2-3 hours per week.

    About 6 months ago, I let Mark, a friend of mine who is also a hockey coach, "borrow" my system. And the results were astonishing..

    He said I'd be crazy not to offer this to other coaches. In fact, he said I should charge at least $500 for this program (since that is what other "gurus" charge for similar programs - and they are not nearly as complete as mine).

    So, after some thought, I decided to take a leap and humbly offer my system for sale to you, my fellow coach.  I took some time to add in the most up-to-date information and make it a complete “how-to” guide.

    Rather than going on and on about how great my system is (and how much your athletes will benefit), here's a simple breakdown and summary of each "blueprint".


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