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عن المدونة

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  • العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية
  • mercredi 15 juin 2011

    101 Award-Winning Marriage Proposal Ideas

    101 Award-Winning Marriage Proposal Ideas

    Just to prove it, the grand prize winning marriage proposal (best of all 7,300+ stories) cost the guy less than $20 to prepare.

    All he used was a piece of hardware, something from the bathroom and some creativity to put it together. What he did brought his girlfriend to tears and thunderous applause from everyone who witnessed it. After you read what he did and you see the photographs, you'll be amazed too.

    As a result, he won a spectacular Aruba vacation, including five-nights at the luxurious Radisson Aruba Resort. Pairs of Martini & Rossi Asti Millennium toasting flutes were to be awarded to 150 second-place winners.

    In addition, I'll share dozens of ways that men (and women) popped the question very creatively using hay, Red Hots, plywood, thread, gloves, concrete, lumber, chalk, Band-Aids and X-rays. These 101 award-winning stories will inspire you and warm your heart.

    In fact, after reading these stories one person wrote to me to say that she cried over every story in the book.


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